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How to get feedback and improve your performance after online mock interviews

Online mock interviews are a great way to prepare for the real thing, but they are not enough. You also need to get feedback on your performance and learn from your mistakes. Feedback can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, improve your communication skills, and boost your confidence. But how do you get feedback after an online mock interview? And how do you use it to improve your performance? Here are some tips to help you out.

1. Ask for feedback from the interviewer:

The best source of feedback is the person who conducted the mock interview. They can give you specific and constructive feedback on your answers, your body language, your tone of voice, and your overall impression. You can ask them to rate you on a scale of 1 to 10, or to give you a list of three things you did well and three things you need to improve. You can also ask them to share their own experience of interviewing for similar roles, and what they look for in a candidate.

2. Record and review your mock interview:

Another way to get feedback is to record your mock interview and watch it later. This can help you see yourself from the interviewer's perspective, and notice things that you might have missed during the interview. You can look for signs of nervousness, such as fidgeting, stuttering, or avoiding eye contact. You can also check if you answered the questions clearly, concisely, and confidently, and if you used relevant examples and evidence to support your points.

3. Seek feedback from others:

You can also get feedback from other sources, such as friends, family, mentors, or online platforms. You can share your mock interview recording with them, or ask them to conduct a mock interview with you. They can give you a different perspective on your performance, and offer suggestions on how to improve. However, make sure that you choose people who are trustworthy, honest, and supportive, and who have some knowledge or experience of the field or role you are applying for.

4. Act on the feedback:

Getting feedback is not enough; you also need to act on it. You need to analyze the feedback, identify the areas that need improvement, and work on them. You can use online resources, such as books, articles, videos, podcasts, or courses, to learn more about the topics or skills that you need to improve. You can also practice more mock interviews, using different questions and scenarios, and applying the feedback that you received. You can track your progress by recording and reviewing your mock interviews again.

5. Repeat the process:

Feedback is not a one-time thing; it is an ongoing process. You need to keep getting feedback and improving your performance until you are ready for the real interview. You can use different sources of feedback, such as different interviewers, platforms, or formats, to get a comprehensive and balanced view of your performance. You can also seek feedback on different aspects of your performance, such as your resume, your cover letter, or your portfolio.

Online mock interviews are a valuable tool to help you prepare for the real interview, but they are not enough by themselves. You also need to get feedback on your performance and use it to improve. By following these tips, you can get effective feedback and improve your performance after online mock interviews.

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